Part 5-Psionic Powers
Psionic Powers in the world of Nemisis

The psionic abilities system is possibly quite different from those of other RPGs. Unlike in some games
where your psionic/magic abilities increase with your character's level, regardless of whether they were used or not during the times you gained experience. In NEMISIS, each psychic character starts out with a proficiency in one (or two, or three, maybe) category of psionics, and some psionic experience points to spend on learning powers. More psionic experience points (PExp) can be gained by actually USING your psionic powers. Also, PExp can be used to advance a psionic power up a level, much like skills (see skills for more information).

DIFFICULTY RATINGS-The GM must also assign a difficulty rating to all usage of psionics to determine success rolls, this is the same as in skill usage. In the case of psionic combat, the player must merely roll to attack versus the opponents defense rating (see combat).

Psionic Categories (Powers)-

All psionic powers belong to one of 6 categories, listed here-

1. Sensory- This group includes the powers to increase the normal senses, interfere with them, and the
power to create illusions.
2. Perception- Possibly one of the most common categories, the powers in this group include the
powers of telepathy and of foretelling the future.
3. Force- These powers influence the physical realm, they include all the forms of kenisi and
enhancement of the physical body, along with most forms of psychic combat.
4. Ethereal- The Ethereal powers include the manipulation of pure psychic and mental power.
5. Psio-Technic- Powers in this category involve the manipulation of machines and other man-made
6. Restoration- The power to heal and restore is included in the category of restoration.

Psionic Levels-

There are 4 levels of aptitude to every category of psionic powers:

1st level-These are the simplest powers to master
2nd level-These tasks are somewhat challenging
3rd level-These powers are difficult to perform
Soul (4th level)-The powers in this category are tremendously powerful, but they are very dangerous and possibly life threatening

Performing psionic feats-

Step 1-The player states that his/her character is using a psionic power.
Step 2-An amount is subtracted from the character's PE, this amount depends on the power.
Step 3-The GM determines the difficulty of the action by choosing a die.
Step 4-The player rolls the die and attempts to roll under the current level of that power.
Step 5- If successful, the character gains an amount of PExp which differs from power to power.

Purchasing and upgrading psionic powers-
Each time a character uses a psionic power successfully, they gain an amount of PExp. Once the
character has gained enough PExp, they may spend it on new psionic powers and on purchasing new ones.

PURCHASING NEW POWERS- To purchase a new power the character merely chooses a power from a
category in which he is proficient and spends an amount of PExp corresponding to its level.
(NOTE-certain powers may cost more or less)---
Level of Power
Cost in PExp
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4 (Soul)
UPGRADING POWERS- To upgrade a power, spend an amount of PExp which is determined by the
following equation:

<Half of cost to purchase power new>+(<power's current level (1-5)>x 2 x<power's level designation
(1-3,Soul)>)=TOTAL COST

NOTE - Soul is treated as a 5 in the equation.

Note- No power in a category the psionic is proficient in may advance beyond 6.  No other power may advance beyond 4.

POWERS FROM UN-PROFICIENT SPHERES-To learn/upgrade a power from a sphere the psionic is
unproficient in, the cost is doubled, and NO soul level powers may be selected.



Level 1-

-Increased sight-This power enables the psionic to increase their site in a specific area (nightvision,
underwater, ultraviolet)

-Increased hearing- When this ability is used, the psionic can increase hearing well beyond the human
range. This enhancement is even better than a dog's hearing.

-Increased smell- A fairly odd power, this ability allows the psionic to track like an animal and even
sense things which do not "belong" in a particular location by smell.

-Object read- By the mere act of touching an object, the psionic character can tell several facts about it
(who has used it most recently, a few brief flashes of where it has been in the past few hours, etc.).

-Illusion: Movement/Shadow-The victim of this power will feel as though he saw something move/a
shadow out of the corner of his eye or off in the distance, and will most likely take appropriate action.

-Hazard Condition Senses- This power expands (but can be used in conjunction with) the 3 increased
sensory powers. Using this power enables the character to regain the ability to use a particular sense
that isn't working now, for some reason. (temporarily blind, deaf, etc.) This power can even cure the
permanent infliction (albeit temporarily), but requires a much larger difficulty.

Level 2-

-Sense evil intent- Enables the character to "feel" if another character is harboring thoughts of ill will
towards him or anyone else. Will automatically activate if the thoughts are strong enough.

-Sense Alien thought- Tells whether a character has been influenced by a thought not her own (psionic or otherwise).

-Create fear- Creates a general feeling of fear within a character's mind which has been targeted.

-Illusion: likely occurrence- Will make the victim(s) feel as though she has seen something that would be a likely occurrence in the situation. (Alien trooper attacking in hostile space)

Level 3-

-Sense specific person- Well, it enables you to sense a specific person.

-Illusion: change physical appearance- Your physical appearance will appear different to anyone this
power is successfully used on. (only simple changes)

-Illusion: Improbable occurance-Victim will see something that would be VERY unlikely in the situation.  (Man-eating Robot Toaster Demon with rabies)

-Level 4 (SOUL)-

"And the masses shall tremble" -This creates a huge illusion visible to HUNDREDS! (i.e. an entire alien army)
Fatality Rate (to user)-24%

"Behold me!" -This makes the psionic's form change in appearance to all who fall prey to this power. The form change can be almost ANYTHING!
Fatality Rate (to user)-33%

"In the zone" -Enables increased sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste and hazard condition senses along
with the ability to sense specific people for the duration.
Fatality Rate (to user)-20%


Level 1-

-Telepathy: single word message- Psionic sends a one-word message to any recipient. (i.e. RUN!)

-Influence thinking- Victim will be more likely to follow the psionic/believe what she says.

-Locate Acquaintance- Psionic can "home in" on a friend/relative by sensing their particular psionic

-Sense Intent- Psionic can tell what someone's "true" intent is, despite what they say.

-Tell general emotions- Can tell what a person/ group of people is feeling emotionally.

Level 2-

-Telepathy: Two-way conversation- The psionic and whoever she communicates with can exchange a short dialogue ( a few sentences each).

-Clairvoyance- A short scene which may occur in the near future will appear in the psionic's mind. Along with this scene (it is only a few seconds long), the general thoughts/emotions of the scene can be

-Calling- The victim of a calling will subconsciously be drawn toward the psionic.

-Read thoughts- A classic psionic power is the ability to tell what someone is thinking, and that is
precisely what read thoughts does.

Level 3-

-Mind bond- Similar to 2-way telepathy, however it lasts much longer (usually several hours) and also
includes emotional sense of one another.

-Minion- The victim of this power will unconsciously obey you in every way for as long as the duration

-Implant memory- The psionic can, by merely touching a victim's head, implant a memory into that
person's mind. This memory can be real or imaginary.

-Level4 (SOUL)-

"Of a like mind"- This power PERMANENTLY telepathically links two persons minds together. This is a
very dangerous power, and should only be used in extreme circumstances!
Cost-45 (the two can pool their resources)
Fatality Rate-40% (for both!)
Insanity Rate-10% (+10% for each year)

"I am the MASTER!"- Much more than the simple minion power, this ability causes an unwitting victim to become nothing but an unwitting puppet that the psionic controls (luckily, this power requires physical
contact and the victim's thoughts are NOT shared).
Fatality Rate-67% (for the psionic only, if she dies, nothing happens to the victim)


Level 1-

-Force bolt- The psionic fires a bolt of pure psychokenetic force. The effect is similar to that of a powder
Cost- 4

-Elemental bolt- Similar in nature to a force bolt but based on one of the four elements. The bolt is
formed out of innate substance in the immediate area (ground, air, water vapor, heat, etc.). The psionic
must choose ONE type of bolt when selecting this power to learn.

-Fire:2D6 (If target is flammable, fires will burn doing an additional 1D4 damage/round until put out)
-Water:1D6+4 (-Ice [available if Water is known and temperatures are below 55 F] :2D6+2
-Air:1D6 (Will force target back 2x this amount in feet.)
Cost- 6
PExp- 2

-Alter Temperature- Enables the psionic to raise lower the temperature of an area in an 18 ft diameter of her up to 5 degrees F per level.
Cost- 5
PExp- 2

-Lift/Move Small Objects- A limited form of telekinesis. Psionic can move weighing 15 lb. or less about on the ground or in the air.
Cost- 5
PExp- 2

-Resist fatigue/hunger- Enables the psionic to resist the urge to eat/drink/rest/sleep. This ability is entirely mental. The character can still die from exhaustion/starvation. Eventually, the power will wear off and the character will be twice as hungry as she normally would.
Cost- 6/hour
PExp- 4

-Power Strike- Enhances a physical strike (punch, kick, etc.) by the psionic. When used, treat the attack and this ability together as one attack.

Damage:doubles the normal amount of the attack
Cost- 7
PExp- 3

Level 2-

-Deflect physical attack- This ability creates a minor wall of force that is used to deflect physical attacks.
Treat this ability as a block in combat, only roll on this power. If successful, the attack has been
completely blocked. This ability can also be used to stop projectile and energy weapons (but never
psionic abilities) but will suffer from having a MUCH larger die to roll.
Cost- 8
PExp- 3

-Lift/Move Large Objects- A more advanced form of telekenisis. Includes objects weighing up to 150 lb.
Cost- 10
PExp- 5

-Inhuman strength- A power that effectively DOUBLES the character's strength attribute. If this number is below 10, then it increases the psionic's strength attribute to 10. This also adds +2 to all physical damage rolls.
Cost- 18
PExp- 8

-Inhuman endurance- A power that effectively DOUBLES the character's endurance attribute. If this
number is below 10, then it increases the psionic's endurance attribute to 10. Also, the psionic may retain consciousness for 2 additional rounds past the time he should have normally collapsed.
Cost- 18
PExp- 8

Level 3-

-Force Slam- Similar to force bolt, only does more damage. 50% of knocking opponent unconscious.
Cost- 18
PExp- 10

-Elemental Outburst- This power creates a disruption in the stability of one particular element in the area.  Once started, it CANNOT be controlled. It will last anywhere from a few seconds to several hours. This power must be selected for EACH separate element.

Fire- Explosion/ Large fire ignition
Water- Frost/ Large freeze/ Waterspout
Earth- Earthquake
Air- Tornado
Cost- 20
Pexp- 13

-Stalker-This is a power that alters the mental focus of the user. When used, the person's mind acts like that of a predatory animal. The person gains the skills climb and all tracking skills at level 8. They also receive double stamina and 10 additional HP.

Level 4 (Soul)-

-"Armageddon!"- This power causes a five foot thick wall of flame to travel outward from the psychic in all directions. This wall will travel for 50 feet per level of the caster.

Damage- All touched by this wall receive 4D6x10 damage!
Cost- 42
PExp- 28
Fatality Rate (to user)- 75%

-"Dark Eternity"- Enables a mentally willed super-gravatic point into existence (a black hole). This power usually requires a group of 5 or more Psionics to accomplish (they may share PP for the cost of this). All persons/inanimate objects (maybe even structures) in a fairly large area around the point (hole) are immediately pulled into the hole (instant death), unless strapped/holding onto something. Even then,
they must make a strength/endurance/dexterity test (GM's option, whichever seems appropriate) every
few seconds to determine if they are pulled free. The psion(s) are not immune to this, but their attribute(s) are treated as though doubled. This point (hole) remains in existence for 1 minute for each
psionic who helped create it or until all the Psionics who created it are pulled in/killed (whichever comes
Cost- 250!
PExp- 99!

Damage- All things pulled into the point (hole) are crushed by gravitic forces into something the size of
only a proton in all directions (or smaller!). Of course, this means death.
Fatality Rate- See above for possibility of being pulled in.
For weeks after the incident, the psionic will feel weak and disoriented. During this period the fatality rate
is 40%.

-"Wall of Mind's Steel"- Creates a bubble 10 feet in diameter around the psionic. This bubble consists of pure psionic energy. It protects all inside of it from outside intruders/attack. The bubble is virtually
indestructible. (Treat its HP as 1,000!)
Cost- 48
PExp- 35
Fatality Rate- 55%

-"Center of the Universe!"- This power is the ultimate telekinetic power. It enables the psionic to move any number of objects around. Its only limitations are that the total weight of all the objects must not exceed 10 tons and that none of the objects my move more than 190 yards away from the psionic.
Cost- 38
PExp- 34
Fatality Rate- 44%


Level 1-

-Distraction- This power clouds the target's mind making it harder to do almost any task. Causes +1 or
+2 (GM's choice) to all skill rolls.
Cost- 4
PExp- 1

-Dull Thinking- Target suffers -2 Intellect until this power wears off. Also, may affect skills requiring
mental aptitude (see Distraction).
Cost- 5
PExp- 2

-Deflect Psi Power- Creates a shield that blocks any power not directly targeted at your character's
mind. Roll under opponent's roll at -this power's level.
Cost- 6
PExp- 2

-Mind Block- This ability stops any powers targeting the character's mind. It AUTOMATICALLY deflects
all attacks on the mind. However, it must be activated before the mind is probed. Note- if active for more
than half a minute, make rolls on endurance every 15 seconds.
Cost- 7
PExp- 3

-Negative-Psi Field- Creates a field in an area 10 feet per level in diameter around the character. All
psionic rolls in this area are at +2 per level.
Cost- 9
PExp- 5

-Distort Powers- An easy, but dangerous ability. When used, a target psi power is transformed in some
odd way (GM's option).
Cost- 1
PExp- 1

Level 2-

-Muddle thoughts- Confuses target completely, causing -4 to Intellect and any skills requiring thought to act at level 1.
Cost- 15
PExp- 7

-Leave Body- Character temporarily leaves his body (in spirit?). This "spirit can travel at half the speed of the normal body, and can "float" and "travel through objects". This power can be sustained for a number of minutes equal to this power's level. Every additional minute requires an endurance roll, failure equals coma.
Cost- 17
PExp- 9

-Psionic Shield- Must be used BEFORE targeted by psionic powers. ALL powers targeting this character are deflected (random direction).
Cost- 20
PExp- 10

Level 3-

-Mind Bomb- Causes severe pain and psionic dampening in target. (Dampening- if roll is less than half
the level of this power, all powers are treated as level one, double cost.)
Cost- 22
PExp- 10
Damage- 1D6+1 per level

-Brain Spike- Causes severe damage and black out in target. (Black out- roll endurance (20-sider), if fail, character goes unconscious).
Cost- 22
PExp- 10
Damage- 1D6 per level

-Boomerang- Stops psionic attack and redirect it to target of your choice. Roll at difficulty equal to attack.
PExp- 11

Level 4 (Soul)-

-"Tremble before your God..."- Causes all Psionics in 75 ft radius of character to feel excruciating pain.  These Psionics can take NO actions WHATSOEVER while this power is in effect. Causes 6D6 damage per round this power is in effect. Also, each round, Psionics must roll versus endurance or fall into a deep coma.
Cost- 40
PExp- 31
Fatality Rate- 40%

-"Wall of Pure Mind"- When activated, psionics and all characters in contact with the psionic CANNOT be targeted by ANY psionic powers (even Soul level!). Dangerous to entire group.
Cost- 43
PExp- 33 (activating psionic only!)
Fatality Rate- psionic- 46%; other members- 20%
(For each round past the first, all members must roll on endurance, if they fail, they pass out.)

-"Binding"- Blocks another psionic from using ANY of their powers until activating psionic is alive (or
chooses to cancel this power). NOTE- Psionics may only target one psionic with this power AT A TIME.
Cost- 44
PExp- 32
Fatality Rate- 45% (+5% for each additional month, continue rolling)


Level 1-

-Reconnect wire/link- This power will reconnect a broken wire or link in an electronic series. This is
helpful in making last minute repairs. The effect is permanent.
Cost- 2
PExp- 1

-Open Key/physical Lock- On a successful roll, manipulates the mechanisms in any physical
(non electronic) lock to cause it to open.
Cost- 5
PExp- 3

-Stall System- As long as focusing on this power (and making successful rolls) the psionic causes any
computerized system to be placed in an infinite loop, causing it to not respond to any commands.
(Cannot be restarted)
Cost- 4
PExp- 2

-Power small device- When concentrating (one successful roll) this power channels enough electric
energy to power a small device (such as a flashlight).
Cost- 5
PExp- 3

-Reroute Circuit- Reroutes an electric signal through different circuits. Can bypass security measures,
distort the effects of a command, etc.
Cost- 6
PExp- 4

-Erase Electronic "Trail"- Removes any trace of use of a system by a particular person for one period
completely. (Suggested to be rolled by GM)
Cost- 10
PExp- 4

Level 2-

-Un-Encrypt- Removes the encryption from a file (ONE file) so that it is readable. Invaluable to hackers.
Cost- 8
PExp- 5

-Solve Password Security- Works like a password breaker, "searching" and "discovering" the password in 8D10 seconds.
Cost- 8
PExp- 5

-Open Electronic Lock- Unlocks any locking mechanism based electronically (requiring a keypad
pass code, access card, etc.)
Cost- 9
PExp- 6

-Power Large Device- This power creates enough energy to power a large device (transportable
computer, energy weapon- not plasma, etc.) for several minutes (or one or two shots)
Cost- 10
PExp- 6

Level 3-

-Electronic Projection- Character's spirit leaves her body and enters a computer/communication system.  Effects similar to "Leave Body" (see above).  Eases computer navigation.
Cost- 12
PExp- 6

-Alter Scanning Readout- Alters the readout of a computerized scan to whatever desired (X-ray,
thumbprint, retina scan, etc.)
Cost- 11
PExp- 6

-Deactivate Program- Ceases any particular program from running.
Cost- 11
PExp- 7

Level 4 (Soul)-

-"One With the Machine"- Transforms the character into a living computer data set permanently (living
body dies). A one-way transformation. Plus, character is now affected by computer problems (ex: can be
Cost- 26
PExp- 20
Fatality Rate- 100% (human body)
5% (spirit)!

-"Heart of the Beast"- Generates enough power to run a small vehicle (up to 10 person spacecraft). Can
be linked to others using this power to energize larger craft.
Cost- 36
PExp- 24
Fatality Rate- 35%


Level 1-

-Heal minor cut / abrasion- Instantly seals / heals a minor cut or abrasion (nothing drastic), up to 2 hp of damage. Doesn't work on worse injuries.
Cost- 2
PExp- 1

-Reduce Pain- Effects similar to that of Aspirin or another pain killer, without any side effects. Lasts for 6 hours.
Cost- 4

-Prevent Infection- Cleans a wound and blocks against any infection for 12 hours. Causes a slight
"tingling" when applied.
Cost- 4
PExp- 2

-Remove Symptoms- Stops one symptom of a particular illness (sore throat, sneezing, coughing, stiff
joints, etc.)
Cost- 6
PExp- 2

-Calm Mind- Adds a sympathetic tone to the character's voice that causes a calming effect. Lasts 2
minutes. For each round of communicating with another person, that person gains -1 on any endurance /
intelligence rolls (cumulative).
Cost- 7
PExp- 3

-Reverse Healing- Instead of healing at the normal rate, any injuries spread further, and victim takes
damage equal to the amount of HP that would have been healed.
Cost- 9
PExp- 3

Level 2-

-Retain Consciousness- For 8 minutes per use, target cannot lose consciousness. This is useful to keep a victim conscious until more help can arrive.
Cost- 10
PExp- 4

-Continue Body Function- Any basic function of the body that it can no longer do on its own is taken
care of by this power. It effects only one function at a time. (ex: maintain heartbeat, continue breathing,
Cost- 12
PExp- 5

-Heal Major Cut / Burn- Instantly repairs any injury of the body (up to 10 HP) that has not penetrated past the skin. May be used repeatedly.
Cost- 15
PExp- 6

-Numb Area- A portion of this power's target's body become physically numb (no sensation). This area is 2.5 cubic feet. This power lasts 6 hours. Extremely useful in field surgery.
Cost- 15
PExp- 6

Level 3-

-Repair Organ- A successful roll mends and increases the rate (or creates a slow rate) of cell replacement of an organ. This includes any internal organ (the brain is excluded from this, see "Keeper of Life").
Cost- 24
PExp- 9

-Mend Tissue- This power has two main functions: 1. It repairs damage to muscles (20 HP worth) and
rejoins them. 2. It reconnects and mends a bone (or set of small bones). Only one of these may be used
per casting.
Cost- 22
PExp- 9

-Cure Illness- Removes a viral / bacterial infection from a person on a successful roll. This is permanent
(until they contract it again). This even works on the common cold!
Cost- 22
PExp- 8

Level 4 (Soul)-

-"It Is a Far, Far Better Thing I Do Than I Have Ever Done Before..."- The ultimate healing. Completely heals target of any problems whatsoever (even of missing organs, replaced at an exponential rate). It's only drawback- almost assuredly kills the psychic.
Cost- 50
PExp- 24
Fatality Rate- 92%

-"Keeper of Life"- The only psionic power beyond the last one which can repair brain damage and regrow brain cells. VERY difficult roll.
Cost- 47
PExp- 18
Fatality Rate- Psychic- 23%
Target- 40%

-"Be of a Sound Mind"- Cures target of one insanity / mental illness. There is a 35% chance the insanity will transfer to the psionic.
Cost- 46
PExp- 18
Fatality Rate- 20%
Insanity Transfer Rate- 35%


 Copyright Doomsday Games and Styphathal. 